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As with his first epistle to this dysfunctional church in Corinth, in 2 Corinthians the Apostle Paul addresses a wide variety of vital topics essential to church health and fruitfulness. He urges the church to forgive and restore a repentant sinner. He urges the church to be pure from the world, and to be financially generous in the offering being collected for the saints in Jerusalem. He defends his ministry as an apostle over the false teachers who were mocking him and talking him down. In so doing, he points to his track record of astonishing suffering for the gospel, a resume unmatched in all of church history.
But the centerpiece of this amazing epistle is Paul’s clear articulation of the nature of gospel ministry: the superior glory of the New Covenant over the Old, and the elements and motives for faithfulness in spreading the gospel to a lost and dying world. Absorbing these truths will change your life and make your church more fruitful for all eternity! Access the free electronic copy by selecting "Download", or if you prefer to purchase a paper copy, click "Buy".