Andy's Latest Book
How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books


Current Series: Miscellaneous

All Series

1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians

A complete expositional series on the book of 1 Corinthians. 69 sermons on the amazing power of the gospel to transform churches like the church at Corinth.

2 Timothy
2 Timothy

A complete expositional series on the book of 2 Timothy. 9 sermons on Paul’s last letter, written to charge Timothy and all Christians to be bold and faithful in preaching the gospel.

Christmas Season
Christmas Season

A compilation of Christmas season sermons. Topics include the purpose of the incarnation, the prophets who spoke of Jesus, and more.


A complete expositional series on the book of Colossians. 21 sermons on a Pauline epistle written to a church he had never seen, encouraging them to put aside false doctrine.


A complete expositional series on the book of Daniel. 17 sermons on a book that serves both as historical narrative of Daniel during the Babylonian exile, and as a record of the prophetic words God gave to Daniel.

Easter Sermons
Easter Sermons

A compilation of Easter sermons. Topics include Jesus’ victory over death, the power of the cross, and more.


A complete expositional series on the book of Ephesians. 54 sermons on what God has done in Christ and what we must do in Christ in light of that.


A compilation of sermons on evangelism. Topics include church planting, a gospel outline, and more.


A compilation of sermons on the topic of family. Topics include godly motherhood and saturating your children with the word.


A complete expositional series on the book of Galatians. 26 sermons on the false teachers in Galatia and the gospel of grace that Paul uses to refute them.


A partial expositional series on Genesis 1-25. 38 sermons on the creation of the world, the fall, and the actions of the human race as they fill the earth with more people and more sin.


A complete expositional series on the book of Habakkuk. 9 sermons on the prophet Habakkuk and his laments to God about the evils of the nation of Israel and the future justice God intends for them.


A complete expositional series on the book of Hebrews. 74 sermons on Jesus as a superior mediator who is bringing a superior covenant which results in a superior life.


A complete expositional series on the book of Isaiah. 81 sermons on the prophesies Isaiah gave about Israel, other nations, and most importantly, the Messiah.


A complete expositional series on the book of James. 12 sermons on the way that Christians should show their true faith through their works.


A complete expositional series on the book of Job. 31 sermons on Job ’s faith in the face of suffering, his process of reasoning through it, and his resolution of trust in God after He revealed Himself. 


Current Sermon Series


A complete expositional series on the book of Matthew. 151 sermons on the gospel written by the former tax collector, an apostle of Jesus, who wanted to show that Jesus was the true Messiah through the fulfillment of OT prophecies.


A compilation of unrelated sermons and classes on various topics pertinent to the Christian life.

More than a Building
More than a Building

A compilation of sermons on the topic of stewardship of the earthly blessings from God, focusing on the physical church building as the hub and launching pad for many effective ministries.


A complete expositional series on the book of Philippians. 24 sermons on Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, where he focuses on the glory of God in Christ and internal and external journeys to accomplish this glory.


A compilation of sermons on the book of Proverbs. Topics include sexual purity, conflict resolution, and more.


A compilation of sermons on the book of Psalms. Topics include the irresistible advance of Christ’s kingdom, praise for God’s perfect word, and more.


A complete expositional series on the book of Revelation. 49 sermons on the prophetic vision of the end times which John received while he was in exile.


A complete expositional series on the book of Romans. 120 sermons on Paul’s letter to the Romans, where he focuses on God’s gift of righteousness by means of the Gospel.

Sanctity of Human Life
Sanctity of Human Life

A compilation of sermons on the topic of the sanctity of human life. Topics include why human life is sacred, fighting for life, and more.

The Life of Elijah
The Life of Elijah

An expositional series on the life of Elijah as found in the books of 1 and 2 Kings. 14 sermons on the life, actions, and long-term impact of the prophet Elijah.

The Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper

A compilation of sermons on the Lord’s Supper. Topics include preparation, looking to Christ, and more.

The Study of Spiritual Gifts
The Study of Spiritual Gifts

A compilation of sermons on topic of spiritual gifts as found in Ephesians, 1 Corinthians, Romans, Acts, and Matthew.