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Your passage results for 'Romans 9'

A Final Summary of the Book of Romans (Romans Sermon 120 of 120)

Nov 19, 2006
Andy Davis | Nov 19, 2006 | The Gospel, Book Overviews

Romans 1:1-16:27

Andy Davis preaches an overview of Romans 1-16. The main subject of the sermon is all the main topics which were covered in the sermons on Romans.

Confidence in Christ's Righteousness (Romans Sermon 72 of 120)

Jul 10, 2005
Andy Davis | Jul 10, 2005 | Imputed Righteousness

Romans 9:30-33

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Romans 9:30-33. The main subject of the sermon is the fact that imputed righteousness from Christ is necessary for our salvation.

God's New People, Chosen and Called (Romans Sermon 71 of 120)

Jun 19, 2005
Andy Davis | Jun 19, 2005 | Effectual Call, Salvation by Promise, Election & Predestination

Romans 9:24-29

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Romans 9:24-29. The main subject of the sermon is how God makes a new people for Himself by means of an effectual Gospel call.

Vessels of Wrath and Vessels of Mercy (Romans Sermon 70 of 120)

May 29, 2005
Andy Davis | May 29, 2005 | Glory of God, God's Purpose for the World, Justice of God, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Romans 9:19-23

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Romans 9:19-23. The main subject of the sermon is that the reason for everything, even His wrath and grace, is to bring Him glory.

The Potter's Freedom (Romans Sermon 69 of 120)

May 22, 2005
Andy Davis | May 22, 2005 | Justice of God, Election & Predestination, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Romans 9:19-23

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Romans 9:19-23. The main subject of the sermon is God's freedom to save and His freedom to condemn.

God Displays His Power in and through Pharaoh (Romans Sermon 68 of 120)

May 08, 2005
Andy Davis | May 08, 2005 | God's Purpose for the World, Justice of God, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Romans 9:17-18

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Romans 9:17-18. The main subject of the sermon is how God displayed His power in and through Pharaoh in the Old Testament and also the implications that has for the doctrine of God's sovereignty.

The Justice, Mercy, and Freedom of God in Election, Part 3 (Romans Sermon 67 of 120)

Apr 24, 2005
Andy Davis | Apr 24, 2005 | Glory of God, Justice of God, Forgiveness

Romans 9:14-16

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Romans 9:14-16. The main subject of the sermon is God's freedom, mercy and justice in election.

The Glory of God Revealed in His Sovereign Freedom (Romans Sermon 66 of 120)

Apr 17, 2005
Andy Davis | Apr 17, 2005 | Glory of God, Justice of God, Forgiveness

Romans 9:15

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Romans 9:15. The main subject of the sermon is how God's election of a particular people reveals His glorious sovereignty.

The Justice, Mercy, and Freedom of God in Election (Romans Sermon 65 of 120)

Apr 10, 2005
Andy Davis | Apr 10, 2005 | God's Purpose for the World, Election & Predestination, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Romans 9:14-16

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Romans 9:14-16. The main subject of the sermon is God's freedom to justly show mercy to some people in through salvation in Jesus Christ.

God's Purpose in Election Stands (Romans Sermon 64 of 120)

Apr 03, 2005
Andy Davis | Apr 03, 2005 | God's Purpose for the World, Election & Predestination

Romans 9:11-12

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Romans 9:11-12. The main subject of the sermon is that God chooses some unworthy sinners for salvation rather than others.


Class in Romans: The Stone God Lays in Zion - Salvation or Stumbling

Feb 07, 2024
Andy Davis | Feb 07, 2024 | Justification, Election

Romans 9:30-10:15

Election is without any condition. No works can bring someone justification; only Christ's death and resurrection bring total perfection to justification.

Class in Romans: Vessels of Wrath, Vessels of Mercy, Both Jews and Gentiles

Jan 31, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 31, 2024 | Judgment, Election & Predestination

Romans 9:19-26

Every person's future depends on God's sovereign grace, not man's will. It is possible to identify the elects but not the reprobates.

Class in Romans: Vessels of Wrath and Vessels of Mercy - Part 2

Jan 24, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 24, 2024 | Glory of God, Judgment

Romans 9:19-24

God uses the unfolding history of humanity to display His glory, one type of glory being the vessel of honor and the other type being the vessel of dishonor.

Class in Romans: Vessels of Wrath and Vessels of Mercy - Part 1

Jan 17, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 17, 2024 |

Romans 9:19-24

Salvation can never ultimately be by human works or human will, but only by God’s mercy; undeserved and free. And God's revelation is nothing He would ever owe to anyone.

Class in Romans: God Displays His Power In and Through Pharaoh Romans

Jan 10, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 10, 2024 | Calling, Sovereignty of God, Election

Romans 9:17-18

Romans 9 teaches that God is sovereign over salvation and has authority over the human heart, even to harden it.

Class in Romans: The Justice, Mercy, and Freedom of God in Election - Part 2

Dec 13, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 13, 2023 | Election, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Romans 9:14-18

God is the ultimate standard of justice. Therefore, He is just in unconditional election because, in so doing, He is valuing His own glory and name above everything else.

Class in Romans: The Justice, Mercy, and Freedom of God in Election

Dec 06, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 06, 2023 | Justice of God, Grace, Election

Romans 9:14-18

God is the ultimate standard of justice. Therefore, He is just in unconditional election because, in so doing, He is valuing His own glory and name above everything else.

Class in Romans: God’s Sovereignty in Dealing with Israel

Nov 29, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 29, 2023 | Effectual Call, Salvation

Romans 9:1-11:36

Salvation does not depend on “the one who wills” or on “the one who runs” but on God, who has mercy. And God gives mercy freely to whomever he chooses.

Class in Romans: God’s Purpose in Election: Not by Works, but by God

Nov 08, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 08, 2023 | Assurance of Salvation, Election

Romans 9:6-13

Paul establishes that those who are chosen are also chosen simply by the will of God, apart from any of their works. This is the doctrine of unconditional election.

Class in Romans: The Grievous Spiritual Condition of Israel

Nov 01, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 01, 2023 | True Israel, Judgment

Romans 9:1-6

Paul’s willingness to give up his salvation for the Jewish nation shows his grief at their almost universal rejection of Christ.

Mature in Feeling What Christ Would Feel

Apr 30, 2024
Andy Davis | Apr 30, 2024 | Sanctification, External Journey, Jesus Christ

Romans 12:15

Can I really trust my gut?

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