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Sardis: Warning to a Dead Church (Revelation Sermon 6 of 49)

Apr 09, 2017
Andy Davis | Apr 09, 2017 | The Holy Spirit, Revival, Dead Church

Revelation 3:1-6

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Revelation 3:1-6. The main subject of the sermon is Christ's warning to the church in Sardis, which has the reputation of being alive, but Christ announces that they are a dead church.

Revelation Episode 4: Letters to the Churches- Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, Part 1

May 01, 2024
Andy Davis | May 01, 2024 | Abiding in Christ, Warnings, Dead Church

Revelation 3:1-6

Jesus scorns Sardis' superficial lip service to God and utters a dire warning to repent before impending judgment. Abiding in God's word is essential.

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