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Your topic results for 'Election'

Class in Romans: Can Fallen Israel Be Recovered? - Part 1

Mar 20, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 20, 2024 | God Handing Over Men, Sovereignty of God, Election

Romans 11:11-32

God has been patiently holding out his hands to the disobedient Jewish nation for centuries. Some, a remnant of the elect, will be saved; others are condemned.

Class in Romans: The Remnant Chosen by Grace

Mar 13, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 13, 2024 | God Handing Over Men, Sovereignty of God, Election

Romans 11:1-10

Paul details the elect and the hardened among the nation of Israel, describing the “remnant chosen by grace” and the rest who are hardened by their blessings.

Class in Romans: Overcoming Israel’s Excuses for Unbelief

Mar 06, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 06, 2024 | Evangelism, Election

Romans 10:1-21

Paul removes any excuses from Israel for not submitting to God's righteousness, as salvation can't be achieved through righteousness by law.

Class in Romans: The Simplicity of Salvation by Faith in Christ

Feb 14, 2024
Andy Davis | Feb 14, 2024 | Justification, Election

Romans 10:1-15

We bring zero works to your justification; Christ brings total perfection to our justification, and that’s why it corresponds to election.

Class in Romans: The Stone God Lays in Zion - Salvation or Stumbling

Feb 07, 2024
Andy Davis | Feb 07, 2024 | Justification, Election

Romans 9:30-10:15

Election is without any condition. No works can bring someone justification; only Christ's death and resurrection bring total perfection to justification.

Class in Romans: God Displays His Power In and Through Pharaoh Romans

Jan 10, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 10, 2024 | Calling, Sovereignty of God, Election

Romans 9:17-18

Romans 9 teaches that God is sovereign over salvation and has authority over the human heart, even to harden it.

Class in Romans: The Justice, Mercy, and Freedom of God in Election - Part 2

Dec 13, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 13, 2023 | Election, Providence and Sovereignty of God

Romans 9:14-18

God is the ultimate standard of justice. Therefore, He is just in unconditional election because, in so doing, He is valuing His own glory and name above everything else.

Class in Romans: The Justice, Mercy, and Freedom of God in Election

Dec 06, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 06, 2023 | Justice of God, Grace, Election

Romans 9:14-18

God is the ultimate standard of justice. Therefore, He is just in unconditional election because, in so doing, He is valuing His own glory and name above everything else.

Class in Romans: God’s Purpose in Election: Not by Works, but by God

Nov 08, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 08, 2023 | Assurance of Salvation, Election

Romans 9:6-13

Paul establishes that those who are chosen are also chosen simply by the will of God, apart from any of their works. This is the doctrine of unconditional election.

Romans Class: God’s Sovereignty and Our Certainty

Sep 06, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 06, 2023 | Election, Predestination

Romans 8:28-30

The Lord's sovereignty is significant to the concept that God causes all things to work together for good in the lives of the elect, and this certainty brings us constant comfort.

God's Sovereign Election of the Saints (Ephesians Sermon 2 of 54)

Apr 19, 2015
Andy Davis | Apr 19, 2015 | Grace, Election

Ephesians 1:1-4

Pastor Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Ephesians 1:1-4. The main subject of the sermon is God's sovereignty in salvation and His kindness to the saints in election.

Peter Episode 11 - Making Your Calling and Election Sure

Apr 07, 2021
Andy Davis | Apr 07, 2021 | Effectual Call, Calling, Assurance of Salvation, Election

2 Peter 1:1-11

In this eleventh episode of the Peter Podcast Series, Andy and Wes discuss 2 Peter 1:1-11. They focus on the virtues that Christians must do in order to have assurance of their faith and election. We are not saved by works, but works of...

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