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Your topic results for 'Exaltation Of Christ'

A Hidden Life, A Glorious Life (Sermon on the Book of Ruth)

Jun 23, 2024
Andy Davis | Jun 23, 2024 | Life in the Spirit, Book Overviews, Exaltation of Christ

Ruth 1:1-4:22

The book of Ruth celebrates how a man and woman met, married, and raised a family. Obscure people doing ordinary, faithful things… this is how God builds his kingdom.

A Final Overview of Mark: The Glories of the Son of God (Mark Sermon 92)

Jun 16, 2024
Andy Davis | Jun 16, 2024 | Book Overviews, Exaltation of Christ

Mark 1:1-16:19

Jesus convincingly proved his divinity as the Son of God, especially in his authority over doubt, demons, doctrine and disease, culminating in his atoning death on the cross.

Gethsemane: The Greatest Display of Courage in History (Mark Sermon 80)

Mar 03, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 03, 2024 | Prayers of Christ, Exaltation of Christ, The Person of Christ

Mark 14:32-42

Gethsemane is the greatest display of the perfect humanity of Jesus in the Bible, it also offers opportunities to ponder the excellencies and perfection of his character.

The Stone the Builders Rejected Has Become the Cornerstone (Mark Sermon 60)

Sep 10, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 10, 2023 | Glory of God, Exaltation of Christ

Mark 12:10-11

Jesus is the cornerstone in the eternal temple of the living God. The sinful men who despise and reject this stone are doomed to be destroyed.

“What Do You Want Me to Do For You?” (Mark Sermon 54)

May 28, 2023
Andy Davis | May 28, 2023 | Exaltation of Christ, Miracles

Mark 10:46-52

We need to learn to listen to Jesus when He asks what we want and to pray in faith as an answer.

The Glorious Ascension of Christ

Apr 09, 2023
Andy Davis | Apr 09, 2023 | Exaltation of Christ, The Offices of Christ, Resurrection

Acts 1:1-12

Christ’s glorious ascension to heaven is Almighty God’s final vindication of his incarnate Son on earth in his earthly mission.

Jesus Wields the Sharp Sword of Rebuke (Mark Sermon 44)

Mar 05, 2023
Andy Davis | Mar 05, 2023 | Faith, The Power of Sin, Exaltation of Christ, Demons

Mark 9:14-32

Pastor Andy Davis expounds on three themes woven together in Mark 9:14-32: the vicious demon, the various degrees of people's unbelief, and the glory of Christ.

The Kingdom of Christ: From Obscurity to Glory

Dec 25, 2022
Andy Davis | Dec 25, 2022 | Exaltation of Christ, Prophecy

Isaiah 53:1-12

Jesus was born in obscurity and raised to glory in his death and resurrection, fulfilling the prophets' prophecies.

Simeon’s Vigil and Ours

Dec 24, 2022
Andy Davis | Dec 24, 2022 | Worship, Exaltation of Christ

Luke 2:21-35

Christmas Eve devotional on the faithful vigil of Simeon anticipating the coming of the Messiah and his encounter with baby Jesus in the temple.

Baptism in and Filling with the Spirit (1 Corinthians Sermon 44)

Dec 29, 2019
Andy Davis | Dec 29, 2019 | Sanctification, The Holy Spirit, Joy, Fruit of the Spirit, Evangelism, Holiness, Exaltation of Christ, Good Works, Baptism and the Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians 12:13

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on 1 Corinthians 12:13. The main subject of the sermon is how Christians share in one baptism in the Holy Spirit and how they are filled by the Holy Spirit.


Revelation Episode 6: The Lion-Lamb Takes the Scroll

May 29, 2024
Andy Davis | May 29, 2024 | Exaltation of Christ, Majesty of God

Revelation 5:1-14

Witness the Lamb who was slain be pronounced the only one worthy to open God's scroll and hear the new song of heaven praising the infinite majesty of Christ.

Revelation Episode 1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Mar 27, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 27, 2024 | Second Coming of Christ, Exaltation of Christ, Prophecy

Revelation 1:1-20

John introduces and dedicates the whole book and records the incredible vision of Christ that is its basis.

Revelation Podcast Overview

Mar 20, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 20, 2024 | Book Overviews, Exaltation of Christ, Prophecy

Revelation 1:1-22:21

The Book of Revelation is the climactic end of scripture, the indispensable final word of the Holy Spirit, unveiling the glories of Christ and the mysteries of the future.

1 Corinthians Episode 3: The Gospel - A Demonstration of the Spirit’s Wisdom and Power

Feb 22, 2023
Andy Davis | Feb 22, 2023 | Exaltation of Christ, The Work of the Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 2:1-16

Paul describes the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in bringing us from spiritual darkness to a right understanding of God’s grace in Christ.

Acts Episode 15: Stephen’s Brilliant Defense: Part 2

May 11, 2022
Andy Davis | May 11, 2022 | Martyrdom, Exaltation of Christ

Acts 7:30-8:1

Stephen delivers his dramatic and compelling defense against the false charges of the Jews. They respond by stoning him to death.

John 5:1-23 Episode 9 - The Son Does Nothing Without the Father

Jan 18, 2020
Andy Davis | Jan 18, 2020 | Glory of God, Exaltation of Christ, The Person of Christ

John 5:1-23

In this podcast episode, pastor Andy Davis goes line by line through John 5:1-23. This chapter in John's gospel goes a long way to help us understand what we can and should know now about Christ's deity, incarnation, and relationship to the...

John 3:17-36 Episode 6 - Light & Darkness, Heavenly & Earthly

Oct 17, 2019
Andy Davis | Oct 17, 2019 | Exaltation of Christ

John 3:17-36

In John 3:17-36, the dialogue between Nicodemus and Jesus continues and John the Baptist exalts Christ, bearing witness that he has prepared the way for Jesus the Messiah. In this text, see that apart from the sovereign grace of God in Christ...

Hebrews 10:11-18 Episode 25 - The Finality of Christ’s Sacrifice

Mar 11, 2019
Andy Davis | Mar 11, 2019 | New Covenant, Exaltation of Christ, Animal Sacrificial System

Hebrews 10:11-18

In this Bible study podcast, Andy Davis goes line by line through Hebrews 10:11-18. The author of Hebrews contrasts the futility of the Old Covenant priestly sacrifices with the once-for-all nature of Christ’s sacrifice. Christ’s sacrifice truly...

Hebrews 10:1-10 Episode 24 - Superiority of the Blood of Christ

Mar 07, 2019
Andy Davis | Mar 07, 2019 | Redemption, Exaltation of Christ, Animal Sacrificial System

Hebrews 10:1-10

Hebrews 10:1-10. The author continues his argument about the superiority of Christ and of the new covenant by demonstrating that animal sacrifices were ineffective simply by their endless repetition. He also shows that Christ came speaking the...

Hebrews 5:11-6:3 Episode 11 - Should Be Mature, Still Need Milk

Dec 13, 2018
Andy Davis | Dec 13, 2018 | Sanctification, Exaltation of Christ

Hebrews 5:11-6:3

In this Bible study podcast, Andy Davis goes line by line through Hebrews 5:11-6:3. The author strongly exhorts the Hebrews to leave their infancy and go on to maturity. He would like to teach them more weighty doctrines but they are not able to...


Class in Romans: The Battle with Indwelling Sin

Mar 29, 2023
Andy Davis | Mar 29, 2023 | Exaltation of Christ, Indwelling Sin

Romans 7:13-25

How you resolve the issue of sin will determine a lot about how you view the gospel and your daily life.

Rewards, The Grand Plan, The Control of Tyrants

Aug 18, 2019
Andy Davis | Aug 18, 2019 | Exaltation of Christ, Heaven

Click the link above to download the class notes. 

Jesus’ Resurrection: Exalted Before His Enemies

Apr 13, 2020
Andy Davis | Apr 13, 2020 | Resurrection of Christ, Exaltation of Christ

Hebrews 1:13

So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard- Matthew 27:66. Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet- Hebrews 1:13. Some things utterly defy our ability to...

Rewards, The Grand Plan, The Control of Tyrants

Aug 18, 2019
Andy Davis | Aug 18, 2019 | Exaltation of Christ, Heaven

Click the link above to download the class notes.