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Your topic results for 'Judgment'

Christ on Trial Before Pontius Pilate (Mark Sermon 84)

Apr 07, 2024
Andy Davis | Apr 07, 2024 | Humiliation of Christ, Judgment, Atonement

Mark 15:1-15

Pilate's soul hangs in the balance as he puts Jesus Christ on trial and declares the innocent one guilty. The question lingers... are you doing the same?

The Abomination of Desolation (Mark Sermon 72)

Jan 07, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 07, 2024 | Second Coming of Christ, Judgment, Prophecy

Mark 13:14

God abandoned the Jewish people because of their sins, resulting in their desolation. He does this to show that He is holy and dwells in a high and holy place.

This Is How This World Ends, and a New One Is Born (Mark Sermon 70)

Dec 03, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 03, 2023 | Judgment, Prophecy

Mark 13:1-13

Jesus, the glory of God and the glory of Israel, is also the ultimate prophet who proclaimed God’s judgment on the nation for its sins and rejection of Him.

A Foretaste of Christ’s Judgments: Oppressors Punished, Obscure Servants Rewarded (Mark Sermon 69)

Nov 26, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 26, 2023 | Abiding in Christ, God Handing Over Men, Judgment

Mark 12:38-44

God chose his elect before the foundation of the world to be primarily foolish in the eyes of the world, he did this specifically to shame the powerful and wealthy.

The Cleansing of the Temple: Passion and Purity (Mark Sermon 56)

Jun 25, 2023
Andy Davis | Jun 25, 2023 | Wrath of God, Worship, Judgment

Mark 11:12-19

Jesus, in the cleansing of the Temple, revealed God’s fiery heart for genuine worship and complete purity in the hearts of his people.

The Future of the World, its Pleasures and Powers (Revelation Sermon 31 of 49)

Jan 14, 2018
Andy Davis | Jan 14, 2018 | The Power of Sin, Judgment

Revelation 17:1-18

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Revelation 17. The main subject a warning to flee from the temptations of the word and seek the true pleasure that comes from God.

The Seven Final Plagues (Revelation Sermon 30 of 49)

Jan 07, 2018
Andy Davis | Jan 07, 2018 | End Times, Judgment

Revelation 16:1-21

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Revelation 16. The main subject of the sermon is the seven final plagues described in Revelation.

The Harvest of Judgment (Revelation Sermon 28 of 49)

Dec 03, 2017
Andy Davis | Dec 03, 2017 | Wrath of God, Judgment

Revelation 14:14-20

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Revelation 14:14-20. The main subject of the sermon is the gathering of many people from the earth for judgment.

Hell is Eternal... But Escapable (Revelation Sermon 27 of 49)

Nov 26, 2017
Andy Davis | Nov 26, 2017 | Salvation, Judgment, Hell

Revelation 14:9-11

Those who take the Mark of the Beast chose to follow Satan rather than Christ. The consequence in that generation for that choice will also apply to those in previous generations who have turned away from salvation in Christ: namely, eternal...

The Two Witnesses (Revelation Sermon 18 of 49)

Aug 27, 2017
Andy Davis | Aug 27, 2017 | Judgment, Prophecy

Revelation 11:1-14

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Revelation 11:1-14. In this sermon, John continues to participate actively in this vision of the far future by measuring God’s temple. Back on earth, for 1260 days, God’s final two prophets will witness...


Revelation Episode 10: The Seventh Seal Gives Way to the Seven Trumpets

Jun 26, 2024
Andy Davis | Jun 26, 2024 | Angels, Judgment

Revelation 8:1-13

God stuns John and the angels with a vision of cosmic and ecological calamities to come, unleashing terror and global disaster on a third of the earth, sky and sea.

Revelation Episode 7: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Jun 05, 2024
Andy Davis | Jun 05, 2024 | Second Coming of Christ, Judgment

Revelation 6:1-8

Christ begins to open the seven seals, and as he opens each, of the first four seals, a horseman appears on earth and brings some severe trial to the earth.

Revelation Episode 4: Letters to the Churches- Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, Part 3

May 15, 2024
Andy Davis | May 15, 2024 | Forsaken Love, Judgment

Revelation 3:14-22

In this section, Jesus turns his fiery gaze upon the lukewarm Laodiceans to urge them to repent of their unbelief and believe in him for salvation.

Revelation Episode 3: Letters to the Churches: Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira - Part 2

Apr 17, 2024
Andy Davis | Apr 17, 2024 | Idolatry, Sexual Immorality, Judgment

Revelation 2:12-17

Jesus warns the church at Pergamum against spiritual immorality and demon worship but praises them for faith under fiery persecution, offers hidden manna.

Daniel Episode 9: The Vision of the Ram and the Goat

Feb 07, 2024
Andy Davis | Feb 07, 2024 | Judgment, Prophecy

Daniel 8:1-27

Daniel has a vision, astonishing in its specificity, of the future destruction of the Medo-Persian empire by the Greeks under Alexander the Great.

Daniel Episode 5: God Humbles Nebuchadnezzar… and Us - Part 2

Jan 03, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 03, 2024 | Repentance, Judgment, Majesty of God

Daniel 4:1-37

God humbled King Nebuchadnezzar and taught him that he rules over all kings and kingdoms.

Hezekiah: Faith-filled Leadership in a Crisis

Mar 10, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 10, 2024 | Faith, Humility, Judgment

Hebrews 13:7

Hezekiah, an example of courage and faith in the Old Testament, understood the need to put God first in everything and that idolatry was the reason for God’s judgments on Israel.

Class in Romans: Vessels of Wrath, Vessels of Mercy, Both Jews and Gentiles

Jan 31, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 31, 2024 | Judgment, Election & Predestination

Romans 9:19-26

Every person's future depends on God's sovereign grace, not man's will. It is possible to identify the elects but not the reprobates.

Class in Romans: Vessels of Wrath and Vessels of Mercy - Part 2

Jan 24, 2024
Andy Davis | Jan 24, 2024 | Glory of God, Judgment

Romans 9:19-24

God uses the unfolding history of humanity to display His glory, one type of glory being the vessel of honor and the other type being the vessel of dishonor.

Class in Romans: The Grievous Spiritual Condition of Israel

Nov 01, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 01, 2023 | True Israel, Judgment

Romans 9:1-6

Paul’s willingness to give up his salvation for the Jewish nation shows his grief at their almost universal rejection of Christ.

Standing in Front of the Bema

Sep 28, 2021
Andy Davis | Sep 28, 2021 | Judgment, Godliness

Acts 18:12

What drove Paul to do what he did?

The Repentance of Manasseh

Apr 27, 2020
Andy Davis | Apr 27, 2020 | Repentance, Judgment

2 Chronicles 33:12-13

In his distress, [Manasseh] sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. And when he prayed to Him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so He brought him back to...

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