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Your topic results for 'Omniscience Of God'

Jesus Proves the Resurrection by Scripture (Mark Sermon 62)

Sep 24, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 24, 2023 | Resurrection of Christ, Omniscience of God

Mark 12:18-27

Jesus proved resurrection with scripture to the unbelievers Sadducees. After His own resurrection, we have evidence that God sovereignly will raise all who died in Christ.

The Evil of Tolerating Sin (Revelation Sermon 5 of 49)

Apr 02, 2017
Andy Davis | Apr 02, 2017 | Repentance, Sexual Immorality, Omniscience of God, Marks and Purposes, Church Dysfunction

Revelation 2:18-29

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Revelation 2:18-29. The main subject of the sermon is the church of Thyatira's fault: refusing to identify and condemn sin in their midst.

The Immeasurable Majesty of Our God (Isaiah Sermon 46 of 80)

Sep 07, 2014
Andy Davis | Sep 07, 2014 | Omniscience of God, The Doctrine of God

Isaiah 40:12-17

Pastor Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Isaiah 40:12-17. The main subject of the sermon is God's infinite glory, which is greater than all that is in creation.

The Abomination of Desolation, Part 1 (Matthew Sermon 122 of 151)

May 02, 2010
Andy Davis | May 02, 2010 | Idolatry, Second Coming of Christ, Omniscience of God, Prophecy, Return of Christ

Matthew 24:15

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 24:15. The main subject of the sermon is how Jesus refers to Daniel’s prophecy of the abomination of desolation, indicating that the prophecy is yet to be finally fulfilled. Because both Daniel...

The God of All Comfort

Feb 02, 2003
Andy Davis | Feb 02, 2003 | Joy in Suffering, Omniscience of God

2 Corinthians 1:1-24

The main subject of the sermon is how God is the ultimate source of comfort for Christians facing suffering.

Mature in Christlike Virtues

May 07, 2024
Andy Davis | May 07, 2024 | Life in the Spirit, Two Journeys, Omniscience of God

Revelation 5:5-6

How will I know which word is in season?

The Eternal Origin of the Incarnation

Dec 16, 2023
Andy Davis | Dec 16, 2023 | Grace, God's Purpose for the World, Incarnation, Omniscience of God

Micah 5:2

What came first, sin or salvation?

God Remembers and Forgets

Nov 28, 2023
Andy Davis | Nov 28, 2023 | Omniscience of God, Heaven

Exodus 2:24

How does the omniscient God forget our sins?

Class in Romans: Celebrating the Infinite Depths of God’s Plan - Part 2

Apr 17, 2024
Andy Davis | Apr 17, 2024 | Omniscience of God, Majesty of God

Romans 11:33-36

Paul can't help but break out in awestruck worship as he meditates on God's unsearchable grace and wisdom bringing about the salvation of the Jewish people.

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