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Your topic results for 'Righteousness Of God'

How Can I Love God More? (Mark Sermon 65)

Oct 22, 2023
Andy Davis | Oct 22, 2023 | Sanctification, Righteousness of God, Heaven

Mark 12:29-30

Jesus came to heal our sin-sick hearts. The essence of our salvation is perfect righteousness and, ultimately, perfect obedience to the two great commandments.

God on Trial (Matthew Sermon 142 of 151)

May 05, 2013
Andy Davis | May 05, 2013 | Righteousness of God, Incarnation, Humiliation of Christ, Deity of Christ

Matthew 26:57-68

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 26:57-68. The main subject of the sermon is Jesus' trial before Caiaphas, the scribes, and the elders.

The Wages of Sin; The Gifts of Righteousness (Romans Sermon 39 of 120)

Sep 02, 2001
Andy Davis | Sep 02, 2001 | Righteousness of God, Death & Dying

Romans 6:19-23

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Romans 6:19-23. The main subject of the sermon is that we deserve death because of our sinfulness, but we receive life because of God's graciousness toward us.

God's Decree Against All Evils (Romans Sermon 8 of 120)

Feb 27, 2000
Andy Davis | Feb 27, 2000 | Righteousness of God

Romans 1:29-32

Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Romans 1:29-32. The main subject of the sermon is God's decree that all evil should cease as it is contrary to His will.

Our Greatest Danger and Our Only Salvation: The Righteousness of God (Romans Sermon 5 of 120)

Feb 06, 2000
Andy Davis | Feb 06, 2000 | Imputed Righteousness, Righteousness of God

Romans 1:16-17

Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Romans 1:16-17. The main subject of the sermon is how our only hope in this world come from the biblical Gospel.

Discovering Christ Class : Jesus’ Death for Sin

Sep 17, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 17, 2023 | Righteousness of God, God Handing Over Men, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 15:1-47

Jesus' death on the cross in our place paid the death penalty our sins deserved and opened the way for us to have a close relationship with God.

1 Corinthians Episode 2: Christ the Wisdom and Power of God

Feb 15, 2023
Andy Davis | Feb 15, 2023 | Righteousness of God, Supremacy of Christ

1 Corinthians 1:18-31

God destroys the so-called wisdom of the so-called wise but has revealed his salvation through the gospel proclamation.

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