Your topic results for 'Sinful Nature'
Injustice and Justice on Eternal Display (Mark Sermon 82)
Mar 17, 2024
Andy Davis | Mar 17, 2024 | Sinful Nature, Deity of Christ, Atonement
Mark 14:53-65
Jesus, who had no sin, stood on trial before a wicked and corrupt judicial system. He bore the sins of mankind as a substitute and died as a display of God's justice.
“This Very Night You Will All Fall Away” (Mark Sermon 79)
Feb 25, 2024
Andy Davis | Feb 25, 2024 | Sinful Nature, The Power of Sin, Grace
Mark 14:27-31
Scripture probes the people of God for the hidden recesses of the sinful heart. It also tells us the truth of the indomitable grace of God in Christ to save sinners like us.
The Martyrdom of John the Baptist (Mark Sermon 27)
Oct 02, 2022
Andy Davis | Oct 02, 2022 | Sinful Nature, Martyrdom
Mark 6:14-29
Pastor Andy Davis preaches on Mark 6:14-29 unfolding the account of the martyrdom of John Baptist by Herod the Tetrarch.
Christians, Yet Acting Carnally (1 Corinthians Sermon 9)
Nov 11, 2018
Andy Davis | Nov 11, 2018 | Abiding in Christ, Sinful Nature, Holiness
1 Corinthians 3:1-4
Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:1-4. The main subject of the sermon is Paul's accusing the Corinthians because of their carnal behavior.
The Poisonous Acts of the Flesh (Galatians Sermon 21 of 26)
May 25, 2014
Andy Davis | May 25, 2014 | War Against the Flesh, Works of the Flesh, Sinful Nature
Galatians 5:19-21
Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Galatians 5:19-21. The main subject of the sermon is the wickedness of the acts of the flesh.
The Wickedness of Humanity Exposed and Healed by the Cross (Matthew Sermon 146 of 151)
Jun 02, 2013
Andy Davis | Jun 02, 2013 | Sinful Nature, Glory of God, Justification, Grace, Original Sin, Indwelling Sin
Matthew 27:27-44
Pastor Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 27:27-44. The main subject of the sermon is how humanity's corruption is revealed and resolved by Christ's redemptive work.
Two Paths to Eternity (Isaiah Sermon 7 of 80)
Jun 08, 2008
Andy Davis | Jun 08, 2008 | Exclusivity of Christ, Sinful Nature, Providence and Sovereignty of God
Isaiah 8:1-22
Pastor Andy Davis preaches a verse by verse expository sermon on Isaiah 8:1-22. The main subject of the sermon is the two paths to eternity. One leads to everlasting light and the other to everlasting darkness.
Wheat and Weeds: Present Torment of the Righteous and Future Torment of the Wicked (Matthew Sermon 61 of 151)
Jul 13, 2003
Andy Davis | Jul 13, 2003 | Sinful Nature, Judgment
Matthew 13:24-30
Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43. The main subject of the sermon is how the righteous are currently suffering, but the wicked will eternally suffer later.
Cleaned Up But Not Converted (Matthew Sermon 56 of 151)
Jun 01, 2003
Andy Davis | Jun 01, 2003 | Sanctification, Sinful Nature
Matthew 12:43-45
Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 12:43-45. The main subject of the sermon is the worthlessness of having any spiritual or physical change if it does not follow conversion.
Dancing to the World's Tune or to God's (Matthew Sermon 44 of 151)
Jan 26, 2003
Andy Davis | Jan 26, 2003 | Abiding in Christ, Sinful Nature
Matthew 11:16-19
Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 11:16-19. The main subject of the sermon is that we must acknowledge the truth as God reveals it, or we will follow the ways of this disorderly world.
Ashamed of the Temple
Aug 01, 2023
Andy Davis | Aug 01, 2023 | Sinful Nature
Ezekiel 43:10-12
Why was the Temple designed by God to make the people of Israel ashamed of their sins?
The Fear of the Lord: Temporary and Eternal Aspects
Jul 12, 2022
Andy Davis | Jul 12, 2022 | Sinful Nature
Proverbs 9:10
What does the 'fear of the Lord' mean and does it apply to Christians?
Is Christianity a Crutch?
Jul 13, 2021
Andy Davis | Jul 13, 2021 | Sinful Nature
Ephesians 2:1
Skeptics of Christianity will often see it as a resource or a crutch for weak people, but what they fundamentally misunderstand is sin.
Sanctification Monday, Ch.5: Faith - Conviction of Sin
Jun 15, 2020
Andy Davis | Jun 15, 2020 | Sinful Nature
For a more comprehensive study of the topic of sanctification, please see Andy's book An Infinite Journey: Growing in Christlikeness.
John 9:13-41 Episode 19 - Though I Was Blind, Now I See
Apr 01, 2020
Andy Davis | Apr 01, 2020 | Sinful Nature
John 9:13-41
On this episode, Andy and Wes work through John 9:13-41. The man Jesus healed from blindness on the Sabbath was questioned in two cycles by the Pharisees. They were willing to believe anything other than that Jesus might really be from God...
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