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Suggested Resolutions for the Year 2022

Christian, what spiritual disciplines are you implementing this new year?

by Andy Davis on December 28, 2021

“The noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands.” - Isaiah 32:8  


Every January I like to set spiritual goals for myself to help navigate through the upcoming year in a way that advances my sanctification. The following are some goals I have made in the past or may be considering and praying through for this year. I will choose some of these (and others), but I am giving you this list as you pray about your own resolutions for the year.

Daily Commitments:

I will seek to walk with Jesus moment-by-moment, confessing sin, rejoicing in troubles, praising Him for blessings, interceding for others, and will assess myself nightly, under the leadership of the Spirit, right before I go to bed, on how well I accomplished this

I will memorize Ephesians (or Philippians), and review it daily for one hundred days

When complimented I will openly, then privately, give all glory to God

I will seek to grow in the area of complaining, concentrating more on thanksgiving through the day.

I will seek to make the most of every moment, asking God consistently, “Is what I’m doing right now useful to You in the building of Christ’s Kingdom?”

I will keep a daily record of time expenditures, on an hourly basis

I will have devotions with my spouse on a daily basis, including Biblical intake, worship, and prayer

I will pray for my spouse first every day, I will pray specifically, and I will share with him/her regularly how I prayed for him/her (perhaps at dinner, in front of the children)

Weekly Commitments:

Once per week, I will read 1 Corinthians 13 out loud to my family and will ask them how well they feel I have obeyed that chapter

I will seek to make Sunday more of a day of rest and worship, focusing my mind and heart again on my glorious future in heaven

Monthly Commitments:

Whatever aspect of 1 Corinthians 13 or Galatians 5 which consistently comes out as a problem, I will concentrate on that character trait with prayer and fasting once a week for a month

Once per month, I will meet with my spouse to discuss ways to bless the poor and needy materially

I will deny myself something once per month to make a monthly commitment to a homeless rescue mission or some other worthy ministry to the needy

I will fast at least once per month, all day including dinner, on the second Wednesday of the month, unless led to a different time by the Holy Spirit

Once per month, I will compare our expenditures to our budget to be certain our spending is appropriate

Prayer Life:

I will spend one hour per day in prayer, giving attention to adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication, and using the Bible to help me worship

I will seek to rejoice in any afflictions God brings my way, asking God daily to help me learn to do what Job did when trouble came

I will keep a prayer notebook, asking God for specific things and trusting Him to answer prayer

I will pray daily for increased faith, and will ask God for opportunities to step out in faith, and to stretch me to new levels of trust

I will confess sin to God in such a way that I remind myself that I constantly “live and move and have my being” in Him, and that “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight”

I will pray more consistently for world missions, concentrating on specific people groups and missionaries so as to maximize my prayer effects

Tags: godliness
