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Mature in Church Ministry

How can God use me in the local church?

by Andy Davis on July 16, 2024

"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love,
as each part does its work." Ephesians 4:16
"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,
so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us." Romans 12:4-6


The human body is stunning in its complexity and diversity. Scripture says, “I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Each of the parts of the body plays an important role in a healthy physical life, some more vital than others, but none of them useless. Paul chose the body analogy to speak also of the role each Christian plays in the “body of Christ,” which is the church. We are like different members of the body with differing roles to fulfill. And it is only as each part does its work that the church can grow to full maturity in conformity with Christ.

Maturing Christians drink in the benefits they get from the spiritual gifts of other Christians. They feed their souls on those whose teaching gifts rightly divide the word of truth. They are encouraged by those with the gift of encouraging; they are welcomed and housed and fed by those with the gift of hospitality; they are financially supported in life and in ministry by those with the gift of giving; they are led by those with leadership gifts. Maturing Christians don’t make a single step in the journey toward Christlikeness without benefitting in some way from the ministries of other Christians.

"Maturing Christians develop a habit of blessing other Christians with their spiritual gifts and general ministry."

At some point, maturing Christians also realize that they themselves have a similar role to play in the spiritual maturation of other believers. The Bible makes it plain that every Christian has a spiritual gift package, an array of special abilities given by the Holy Spirit which enables him/her to do patterns of ministry that build up the overall church of Jesus Christ toward the goal of total perfection in heaven. Every Christian… not just some Christians. And those gifts are given by the Spirit to be used and shared with others, not hoarded selfishly. As each Christian uses those spiritual gifts, they become better and better at them, and they are also growing more and more in conformity to Christ.

Not only do Christians have spiritual gift packages, but we all have common responsibilities toward one another. We are to love one another, pray for one another, encourage one another, admonish one another, serve one another, worship with one another, watch over one another in brotherly love, rejoice with one another, grieve with one another, share all good things with one another, etc. These ministries are not the same as those done in conjunction with spiritual gifts; they are duties we all have as part of a healthy church life together. By them God builds up every individual Christian and the universal church of Jesus Christ toward perfection.

As you read these words, challenge yourself. Ask, “What is my spiritual gift ministry? Am I being faithful to do it? How am I serving my church consistently? What ways can I grow in these patterns of ministry to other Christians?” Maturing Christians develop a habit of blessing other Christians with their spiritual gifts and general ministry.

Tags: spiritual gifts
