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Disappointed with Politics? Look to Christ!

How to think like a Christian about the upcoming midterm elections?

by Andy Davis on November 01, 2022

Christianity and midterm 2022 elections
"When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan." - Proverbs 29:2
“'The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.'”  - Jeremiah 23:5


In my lifetime, I have had no more than a moderate interest in politics. Since I came to Christ in 1982, my central issue has been the notorious Roe v Wade ruling, making it unconstitutional for states to enact legislation outlawing abortion. Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe, I continue to look to political leaders who will boldly stand for the preborn. Politics has become extremely polarized in the US, and I am well aware that my pro-life convictions are not the only issue Christians are concerned with. However, I can never vote for any pro-abortion candidate, whether Democrat or Republican. At the national level, it seems impossible to find convictional pro-life Democrats. So that rules all of them out for me. I love it when there are candidates for Federal office (US Senate, House of Representatives, President) that are both pro-life and godly leaders, and I will vote for them whenever I can. But I also know that all political leaders are personally flawed, and even the best of them must work together with leaders elected from districts and states dominated by voters whose worldview I deplore.

Therefore, it is easy for healthy Christians to become disappointed with politics. Though I believe the American governmental system is the best we can hope for in this present era, yet it is fatally marred by the “wheat and tares” mixture that Christ described in Matthew 13: children of God mixed together with children of the devil. Of course, we are going to aspire and vote differently. And as the aspects of the agendas of the children of the devil get established as law in our mixed country, Christians are going to groan. We yearn for the coming days of Christ’s open rule over all the world. He is the king who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land, as Jeremiah predicted. He will not be elected by popular vote. He will seize power at his Second Coming and will establish his reign for all eternity. And his redeemed people will delight in it forever!

"But understand that God is actively reigning over the best and worst of all the world leaders to bring about his wise purposes."

So as the mid-term elections approach, American Christians will go to the polling places and do their civic duty as best they can. We may well groan with disappointment if people get elected on platforms we despise. But understand that God is actively reigning over the best and worst of all the world leaders to bring about his wise purposes. And the King is coming who will set everything right for the glory of God! Look forward to that while you groan in the present time. His day will be radiant and his kingdom will never end!

Tags: politics
