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Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus

How did God prepare the Jews for the coming Messiah?

by Andy Davis on December 04, 2023

 “…the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him…” Romans 16:25-26


Long before Jesus was born, he was the Promised One. Long before his advent in “the fullness of time,” the chosen race was waiting for him. Long before Mary and Joseph made their journey to Bethlehem, a remnant of godly Jews was expecting him. All of this because God had little by little paid out some of the details of his plan through the prophets. God’s detailed foreknowledge of the future is based on his absolute sovereignty over all creation. It was on this basis that he challenged the idols of Israel to a contest: “Predict the future, and we will all know you are gods.”(Isa. 41:22-23, paraphrase) God knows very well that he would win such a contest for two reasons: 1) the idols represent false gods who don’t really exist, and 2) the demons that lurk behind the idols do not know the future any more than any other creature does. Any predictions an angel, a demon, or a man might make is contingent upon God’s permission. If the Lord says, “It shall not take place, it shall not happen,” (Isa. 7:7), then that ends the matter. Almighty God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers in his sight. (Isa. 40:22) All our plans and predictions are subject to his sovereign will.

On the other hand, from before the foundation of the universe, God has made a detailed and comprehensive plan for the salvation of sinners from every nation on earth. And no power in heaven or on earth can stop it. “This is the plan determined for the whole world; this is the hand stretched out over all nations. For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who is able to turn it back?” (Isa. 14:26-27) Central to that plan is the birth of his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, “in the fullness of time” (Gal. 4:4), that is, at exactly the right time in human history.

"From before the foundation of the universe, God has made a detailed and comprehensive plan for the salvation of sinners from every nation on earth. And no power in heaven or on earth can stop it."

Knowing that plan, God wisely told a little of it at a time through the Spirit of prophecy. First, to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, God said the seed of a woman would come to crush his head. (Gen. 3:15) Then to Abraham, that through his offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed. (Gen. 22:16) Then to Jacob, the exact same promise, all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through his offspring. (Gen. 28:14) Then, through Moses and the Law, the purpose of the birth of Christ—the atonement of sins by the shed blood of a Lamb. (Ex. 12:7) Then to David, the promise of coming Son of David who will rule over a kingdom that will never end. Then, through David’s psalms, many specific details including that the Son of David will be David’s Lord and a priest in the order of Melchizedek. (Ps. 110:1, 4) Then through Isaiah, that the virgin would be with child and give birth to a son named Immanuel, “God with us,” and that he would be a “mighty God” and “the prince of Peace,” ruling on David’s throne forever. (Isa. 7:14; 9:6-7) Beyond these few references, there are numerous others. Therefore, Jesus was long-expected by all who believed the prophets… the faithful remnant of Jews waiting for the consolation and glory of Israel. 

As you make your way expectantly through this busy month of preparations for Christmas, let your heart be filled with gratitude at the fulfillment of the prophetic promises in the first advent of Christ… and with fervent expectations for the glories yet to come in the consummation of his kingdom at his second advent.

Tags: incarnation, prophecy
