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Wonderful Counselor

How do we know Jesus is trustworthy?

by Andy Davis on December 19, 2023

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6


The four titles given Jesus Christ in this famous passage are mind-boggling, worthy of many Christmas devotionals, many sermons, many books, indeed, an eternity of careful study by our glorified minds. However, for this brief devotional, I want to zero in on the first one Isaiah lists: Wonderful Counselor. The Hebrew word translated “wonderful” is the word used for the signs and wonders God did in Egypt. It is generally used for anything that causes amazement in people, but especially miracles. Jesus did more and greater miracles than anyone who ever lived before him or has lived since. For three years, he healed every possible disease, sickness, injury, malady known to man. His healings were effortless, instantaneous, and completely effective. There was literally nothing he could not do. Beyond that, Jesus had total power over demons; he drove them out with a word, or sometimes even with just a thought (as in the case of the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter). And most spectacularly, Jesus had power over nature, even the wind and the waves obeyed his voice. He could defy gravity, walking on water and ascending through the clouds. He could pass through walls—the stone wall of his tomb, the locked door of the upper room. Jesus’ power was limitless and astonishing… he was truly “Wonderful”—a wonder-worker unlike any other man.

He was also a perfect counselor. Even some of Jesus’ enemies were in awe of his words, saying, “No one ever spoke like this man.” (John 7:46) Jesus had “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68), perfect in wisdom. Jesus has become for us wisdom from God. (1 Corinthians 1:30) In Christ "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Colossians 2:3) The wisest thing any sinner can ever do is flee to Christ for salvation, and all scripture is written to give us that wisdom. (2 Timothy 3:15) We are desperately in need of his counsel. In the time of King David, there was a wise counselor named Ahithophel, and it was said of him that his advice was like one who inquires of God. When David was a young warrior, he was characterized by consistently inquiring of God, asking “Should I do this?” or “Should I do that?” God guided him with perfect wisdom, and it was by this that his throne was established. How much more do we need the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ. Every action we take is based on some prior thought. If we think well, we live well. If we think poorly, we live poorly.

"Jesus is a brilliant light of wisdom shining in our present darkened age."

Unfortunately, Adam’s sin has sunk our intelligent race into mental darkness. We are naturally darkened in our minds and hearts and unable to discern truth from error or wisdom from folly. Therefore, we act corruptly, foolishly going our own ways and storing up wrath for Judgment Day. Jesus is a brilliant light of wisdom shining in our present darkened age. His counsel is infinitely better than that of Ahithophel, or even the most brilliant thinkers of our race. Because Jesus is God incarnate, to inquire of him is not merely “like” one who inquires of God… that is exactly what we are doing. When Jesus tells the “rich young ruler” to sell everything he has and he will have treasure in heaven, and then to follow him, there could not have been better wisdom spoken. When he commanded all the Jews of Jerusalem to come to him and drink (John 7), that was perfect counsel. When he advised all his followers to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him, that wisdom was better than gold refined seven times in a furnace.

So, this Christmas, as you picture the gift of Christ from heaven to earth, ponder this one phrase “Wonderful Counselor.” And ask his wisdom for your soul’s eternal benefit. As the psalmist said, “You are always with me. You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.” (Psalm 73:23-24)

Tags: wisdom, salvation, forgiveness, miracles
