Journeys from the Past, Ep.12: Athanasius (298-373)
Other Podcast in This Series
Journeys from the Past, Ep. 1: Introduction
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.2: Christ Conquers Caesar
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.3: Battle for Orthodoxy
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.4: Christendom
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.5: Crusades & Scholasticism
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.6: The Reformation
Andy Davis
Church History, Justification
Journeys from the Past, Ep.7: Counter Reformation, Enlightenment and Great Awakening
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.8: Missionary Explosion
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.9: The Nations Rage
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.10: Reaching the Whole World
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.11: Polycarp (69-155)
Andy Davis
Church History, Martyrdom
Journeys from the Past, Ep.12: Athanasius (298-373)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.13: John Chrysostom (347-407)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.14: Augustine's Early Life (354-430)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.15: Augustine Battles Pelagianism
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.16: Saint Patrick (c.387-461)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.17: Irish Monks & Columba (521-597)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.18: Mysticism & Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.19: Ramon Llull (1232-1316)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.20: John Wycliffe (c1324-1384)
Andy Davis
Church History
Journeys from the Past, Ep.21: Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Andy Davis
Church History, Revival
Journeys from the Past, Ep.22: Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
Andy Davis
Church History