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Your topic results for 'Supremacy Of Christ'

Give to Caesar What is Caesar’s, and to God What Is God’s (Mark Sermon 61)

Sep 17, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 17, 2023 | Supremacy of Christ, Government & Authority

Mark 12:13-17

Jesus exposed the plot to kill Him through a question on taxation and affirmed it is lawful to support the government, but also it is essential to obey God's commands.

The Perfect Authority of Jesus (Mark Sermon 58)

Aug 27, 2023
Andy Davis | Aug 27, 2023 | Sovereignty of God, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 11:27-33

No man in history submitted so perfectly to authority as Jesus Christ. And no man in history had as much authority given by God the Father as Jesus Christ.

The Triumphant Entry: Superficial Worship of the True King (Mark Sermon 55)

Jun 04, 2023
Andy Davis | Jun 04, 2023 | Humiliation of Christ, Supremacy of Christ, Christ and the Old Testament

Mark 11:1-11

Jesus exposed Israel's superficial worship through his triumphal entry, his actions on that last week in Jerusalem, and his ultimate trial and crucifixion.

Suffering Service: The Measure of True Greatness (Mark Sermon 53)

May 14, 2023
Andy Davis | May 14, 2023 | Joy in Suffering, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 10:35-45

Places of honor are won by those who suffer for the kingdom; a cup of suffering is necessary for all who would be honored in the Kingdom of God.

Humble Faith Unleashes Limitless Power (Mark Sermon 33)

Nov 27, 2022
Andy Davis | Nov 27, 2022 | Faith, Trials, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 7:24-30

Learn about one woman's great faith, and Jesus’ greater compassion and power!

Jesus Declared All Foods Clean (Mark Sermon 32)

Nov 20, 2022
Andy Davis | Nov 20, 2022 | Covenants, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 7:19

Pastor Andy Davis preaches on Mark and explains how a statement from Jesus reaffirmed His majesty and the fact the Law was powerless to save.

Jesus Drives Out a Legion of Demons (Mark Sermon 22)

Aug 21, 2022
Andy Davis | Aug 21, 2022 | Supremacy of Christ, Demons

Mark 5:1-20

Sermon on Mark 5:1-20, about a demon-possessed man freed by Jesus. We see that demons may have power over humans, but no chance against God.

Peace, Be Still (Mark Sermon 21)

Jun 26, 2022
Andy Davis | Jun 26, 2022 | Humility, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 4:35-41

Pastor Andy Davis unfolds an episode of Jesus' life that expands our comprehension of him as the Son of God and alerts us to not underestimate him.

The Overwhelming Death of Christ

Apr 15, 2022
Andy Davis | Apr 15, 2022 | Supremacy of Christ, Deity of Christ

John 19:28-37

Andy Davis preaches on John's eyewitness account of Jesus' crucifixion, establishing Jesus' life, death, and resurrection as historical facts.

Lord of the Sabbath (Mark Sermon 11)

Mar 20, 2022
Andy Davis | Mar 20, 2022 | Legalism, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 2:23-3:6

Jesus was sent to proclaim liberty for the captives, and he did it by claiming full authority as Lord of the sabbath.


Class in Romans: The God Who Is For Us - Part 2

Sep 20, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 20, 2023 | The Offices of Christ, Supremacy of Christ, Assurance of Salvation

Romans 8:31-34

No opposition against Christians can derail God’s purpose for them: conformity to the image of Christ and glorification for all eternity in heaven.

Discovering Christ Class : Jesus’ Death for Sin

Sep 17, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 17, 2023 | Righteousness of God, God Handing Over Men, Supremacy of Christ

Mark 15:1-47

Jesus' death on the cross in our place paid the death penalty our sins deserved and opened the way for us to have a close relationship with God.

Class in Romans: The God Who Is For Us

Sep 13, 2023
Andy Davis | Sep 13, 2023 | The Offices of Christ, Supremacy of Christ, Assurance of Salvation

Romans 8:31-34

No opposition against Christians can derail God’s purpose for them: conformity to the image of Christ and glorification for all eternity in heaven.

Class in Romans: Adam and Christ

Nov 30, 2022
Andy Davis | Nov 30, 2022 | Supremacy of Christ, Original Sin

Romans 5:12-21

What does Paul's epistle to the Romans teach about the relationship between Adam and Jesus?

1 Corinthians Episode 15: Godly Order in the Public Worship of the Church - Part 2

May 31, 2023
Andy Davis | May 31, 2023 | The Lord's Supper, The Creation of Man, Supremacy of Christ

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Paul instructs the Corinthian church regarding the proper display of headship and submission, and the importance of the Lord’s supper.

1 Corinthians Episode 15 : Godly Order in the Public Worship of the Church - Part 1

May 24, 2023
Andy Davis | May 24, 2023 | The Creation of Man, Church Government (Polity), Supremacy of Christ

1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Paul instructs the Corinthian church regarding the proper display of headship and submission, and the importance of the Lord’s supper.

1 Corinthians Episode 2: Christ the Wisdom and Power of God

Feb 15, 2023
Andy Davis | Feb 15, 2023 | Righteousness of God, Supremacy of Christ

1 Corinthians 1:18-31

God destroys the so-called wisdom of the so-called wise but has revealed his salvation through the gospel proclamation.

Moses and Jesus: Face to Face vs Perfect Oneness

Jan 24, 2023
Andy Davis | Jan 24, 2023 | Supremacy of Christ

Hebrews 3:3-6

How do we know that Jesus is greater than Moses?

A King Who Did Not Plunder His Subjects

Oct 27, 2020
Andy Davis | Oct 27, 2020 | Supremacy of Christ

Philippians 2:6

Do you use the power you have for selfish gain? Jesus is a servant King that we should all seek to emulate in whatever position God has placed us.

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