July 06, 2022Acts Podcast 23: Peter Delivered From Prison, Herod Struck DownActs 12:1-25Andy DavisRedemption, Persecution
May 18, 2022Acts Episode 16: Persecution and the Growth of the Church in SamariaActs 8:1-25Andy DavisUnity, Persecution
May 04, 2022Acts Episode 14: Stephen’s Brilliant Defense: Part 1Acts 7:1-29Andy DavisPersecution, Christ and the Old Testament
April 20, 2022Acts Episode 12: The Persecution EscalatesActs 5:12-42Andy DavisJoy in Suffering, Persecution
April 06, 2022Acts Episode 10: The Church Faces Persecution with PrayerActs 4:13-31Andy DavisPersecution, Boldness & Courage
March 30, 2022Acts Episode 9: Peter and John Arrested for Healing a ManActs 4:1-12Andy DavisPersecution, Resurrection of Christ
July 29, 2020John 16:1-15 Episode 33 - Warnings of Persecution, Pt.2John 16:1-15Andy DavisPersecution
July 22, 2020John 16:1-15 Episode 33 - Warnings of Persecution, Pt.1John 16:1-15Andy DavisPersecution
July 15, 2020John 15:18-27 Episode 32 - They Persecuted Me, They Will Persecute YouJohn 15:18-27Andy DavisPersecution