July 06, 2022Acts Podcast 23: Peter Delivered From Prison, Herod Struck DownActs 12:1-25Andy DavisRedemption, Persecution
March 07, 2019Hebrews 10:1-10 Episode 24 - Superiority of the Blood of ChristHebrews 10:1-10Andy DavisRedemption, Exaltation of Christ, Animal Sacrificial System
February 28, 2019Hebrews 9:23-28 Episode 23 - Christ’s Once-For-All Sacrifice Is SufficientHebrews 9:23-28Andy DavisRedemption, Animal Sacrificial System
February 13, 2019Hebrews 9:11-14 Episode 21 - Eternal Redemption Through the Blood of ChristHebrews 9:11-14Andy DavisRedemption, The Person of Christ